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Full Version: [MyBB] MyPlaza v0.5 (beta version)
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i can't deposit anything in the bank? it forgets it???
also is it possible to have sub category's for the plaza?
i can't show item on postbit??
boomhowza Wrote:i can't deposit anything in the bank? it forgets it???
also is it possible to have sub category's for the plaza?
Works fine here.
Subcategories makes things over-convoluted.

seradinho Wrote:i can't show item on postbit??
Probably a conflicting template issue with your theem.
I have installed the mod on my board but when i want to edit the settings in the ACP
all the links go to a Blank Page

Im using 1.2.11
i don't suppose there is a section on how to upload it correctly, so far i have do the following, 1: i have opened smart ftp which is my upload tranfer which i use, my website is hosted. when i upload the fil'es everyone it just doesn't work i get error's upon error's load's it NEVER work's so it would be brilliant if someone could assist me or give me a link to any section that can help me out.
Well if u need help i could help you !
just PM me and ill help u out !

Found the ways
to sort my Problem !

Thanks anyway!!!
Are there any new Modules like the gamble Module for Download ?
Hi Game-Heaven,
I've heard reports of the AdminCP issue, but I've never found out the real source for it.
Try v0.5, and see if you still get the same issue.

As for new modules, I've primarily been focusing on the base framework these days.  I have a few lined up, but when I complete them, only time will tell.

@violation16: have you installed MyBB before?  If so, I would presume that you should know how to use your FTP application.  If not, I'd suggest looking at the MyBB Wiki - they have a fairly decent guide on how to use FTP programs.
should i just upload every thing but the config ?
Yeap. :P
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