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Full Version: [MyBB] MyPlaza v0.5 (beta version)
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Widthraw works, do not use any , or . just use numbers, if you want to widthdraw 100 $ or 1000$ just use numbers, do not use , or .
Pirata Nervo, dunno about your problem - I don't know what you've done.

Updated to 0.2, which includes the bugfixes.

Also, you can grab the inventory module
Pirata Nervo Wrote:Widthraw works, do not use any , or . just use numbers, if you want to widthdraw 100 $ or 1000$ just use numbers, do not use , or .

Hmm, double you tee eff... :hmm:

Withdrawing does work now.
I didn't do anything different.
hey zinga, i made another module that works but the old doesn't xD, thanks for updating

Also, i made some images for myplaza (one for Applications, one for Songs and one for Games), and it should be used with the inventory module, i may modify some lines to add that images.
i am a turkish translator of mybb.. i translate this mod in my test forum.. but when i try it to run in my original board it gives an error on plugin manager screen(it gives when i try run plugin).


PHP Code:
MySQL error: 1060
Duplicate column name 'money'
Query: ALTER TABLE `mybb_users` ADD ( `money` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default '10', `purchases` int(10) NOT NULL default '0' );

what can i do about it?

you must delete money, purchases, all myplaza tables and canmanagemyplaza column from mybb_adminoptions, make sure you remove everything, then click Activate.

EIDT, hey zinga, i finally added the "download" and "password" textbox to additem page, so wee can insert that into the database too, i already changed the myplaza_functions file to create that columns too. but i just have one problem, it just adds something to "download" and "password" when i edit the item, when i add it, nothing is inserted into that column, im stuck there.
dared Wrote:i am a turkish translator of mybb.. i translate this mod in my test forum.. but when i try it to run in my original board it gives an error on plugin manager screen(it gives when i try run plugin).


PHP Code:
MySQL error: 1060
Duplicate column name 'money'
Query: ALTER TABLE `mybb_users` ADD ( `money` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default '10', `purchases` int(10) NOT NULL default '0' );

what can i do about it?

Hi dared,
That should only happen if MyPlaza was activated "badly", then you tried to activate it again...  Is that so?
Pirata Nervo's suggestion should fix the issue, nonetheless (unfortunately, I don't think MySQL allows a "Add If Not Exist").

Pirata Nervo Wrote:EIDT, hey zinga, i finally added the "download" and "password" textbox to additem page, so wee can insert that into the database too, i already changed the myplaza_functions file to create that columns too. but i just have one problem, it just adds something to "download" and "password" when i edit the item, when i add it, nothing is inserted into that column, im stuck there.
You need a module to handle those extra columns...
hi again...
you'r right zinga burga.. i think the reason is, when i run in my test forum it makes some optimising with codes for that forum.. and i try use optimized php files.. may be that can be reason..
whatever.. i did what pirata nevro says, i delete all myplaza tables, canmanagemyplaza column from mybb_adminoptions, & i search all my root about plaza & money words, know just mybb_templates table contains.. is it give a error? or what is added codes to my templates?

thanks again for mod
now, you can just Activate again.

@Zinga, can't the inventory module handle that extra columns?
also, i don't understand this:
// ATTN: Module Developers - please check the $mybb»input['module'] before
//       placing your own code!

you put that inside of myplaza.php (admin dir)
Pirata Nervo Wrote:@Zinga, can't the inventory module handle that extra columns?
I can't answer as I don't know what you're doing...
Pirata Nervo Wrote:also, i don't understand this:
// ATTN: Module Developers - please check the $mybb»input['module'] before
//       placing your own code!

you put that inside of myplaza.php (admin dir)
Adding items can only be done through modules.  However, to prevent conflicts with multiple modules trying to hook into that routine, you should separate them by checking the module variable
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