Yeah i can't get the Advanced Module to work
I going to test my hands in making the edits my self, with the text TuT ZiNgA posted
wish me luck :)
well i did it
I made the edits with out messing up the site
users can change the name color fount post color
But it don't change The user name color in the shout box or my overview ???
I'm loving this MyPlaza ZiNgA
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Pirata Nervo Wrote:EDIT, i don't know how to install it through Update Manager, i can't find any mpu files in your pack =|
EDIT EDIT, I upgraded manually and i got this message when running the upgrade script:
Upgrade successful!MySQL error: 1163
The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns
Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mybb_plaza_temp` (`tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `template` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (tid)) TYPE=HEAP
Appears to be an issue with MySQL not supporting BLOB fields in HEAP tables... >_>
so what can i do?
yeah I had to upload the update my self
then re-coded my site by hand :P
I have the files if you would like to give them a try .?
But it sounds like he is working on fixing the prob soooo. . .
did you have the same problem organ?
Pirata Nervo Wrote:did you have the same problem organ?
yeah & still do that's why i made the edits by hand
here is the text file PS this is just for the Custom User Formatting 1.0.4
I still can't update via my admin CP but i did update
I found zinga's text TuT vary easy & strait to the point
so i must do the upgrade edits by hand, ok..
im talking about the upgrade script not the username formatting..
I found a bug zinga.
Function db_insert_rows
PHP Code:
function db_insert_rows($table, $rows, $check_all = false)
global $db;
if($check_all && count($rows) < 4)
foreach($rows as $row)
$db->insert_query(MY_TABLE_PREFIX.$table, $row);
foreach($rows as $row)
foreach($row as $fdname => $data)
$fields[$fdname] = $fdname;
$fields = array_keys(reset($rows));
$insertsql = '';
foreach($rows as $row)
$insertsql .= '(';
foreach($fields as $field)
$insertsql .= '\''.$row[$field].'\',';
$insertsql .= '\'\',';
$insertsql = substr($insertsql, 0, strlen($insertsql)-1).'),';
$insertsql .= '(\''.implode('\',\'', $row).'\'),';
db_write_query('INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.$table.'('.implode(',', $fields).')
VALUES '.substr($insertsql, 0, strlen($insertsql)-1));
db_write_query('INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.$table.'('.implode(',', $fields).')
VALUES '.substr($insertsql, 0, strlen($insertsql)-1));
you wrote TABLE_PREFIX.
Now, in userformatting.php
PHP Code:
db_insert_rows(TABLE_PREFIX."plaza_uformat_styles", array(
'style' => 'color',
'friendlyname' => $lang->userformat_color,
'filter' => $db->escape_string("#([a-zA-Z]*|\#?[0-9a-fA-F]{6})#")
'style' => 'font-family',
'friendlyname' => $lang->userformat_font,
'filter' => $db->escape_string("#([a-zA-Z0-9 ,\-]+?)#")
You wrote TABLE_PREFIX again, so the actual code will be localhost.prefix_prefix_tablename.
that means nothing, I already fixed that line of code on my forum (i was getting a mysql error because of that).
I removed the TABLE_PREFIX from the userformatting.php.
I hope you can fix my other problem :)
Been on some bug hunting, found quite a few, so updated to v0.42.
Just bug fixes - hopefully, this should be much more stable than v0.41.
well then time to give this a go :)
damn updater
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: rebuild_settings() in /home/www/ on line 175
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rebuild_settings() (previously declared in /home/www/ in /home/www/ on line 39
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rebuild_settings() (previously declared in /home/www/ in /home/www/ on line 39
I can't even get into my Plugin Manager
that's not good my site is bead :(
hade to delete the inc/plugins/myplaza.php
your problem is simple, go to temp_8f427efcfead9a8d15061bc206c452ec.php, hltg.php and overview.php and edit the function rebuild_settings on each file (just change the name) don't forget to Find/Replace the old name with the new one in the rest of the file.
Testing new version..
yeah the new MyPlaza is sound
My prob was outdated plugins on my site