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Full Version: [MyBB] MyPlaza v0.5 (beta version)
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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/cbthome.freehostia.com/inc/myplaza/class_myplaza_am.php on line 318

Update installation failed.

Corrupt data or unable to write update data - make sure Advanced Modules is configured properly!.

^ You sure Advanced Modules is configured properly?
fixed & yeah I'm not sure of anything i do :/
If the automatic upgrader doesn't work, you can manually upgrade...
I went the ftp & added it by hand ....
:) fixed the settings bugs :)

it still makes my site's name change from CBT's Home to .... CBT\'s Home but that's easy to fix
just go to Admin CP /Board Settings/Change/General Configuration/ & just hit Submit Changes

& my bored name goes back to CBT's Home

Thanks "Z" man
.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:it still makes my site's name change from CBT's Home to .... CBT\'s Home but that's easy to fix
just go to Admin CP /Board Settings/Change/General Configuration/ & just hit Submit Changes
MyPlaza doesn't edit the board name, so it wouldn't be an issue with MyPlaza.

Doesn't do it here either.
its just win a activate it

then i have to go to Admin CP /Board Settings/Change/General Configuration/ & just hit Submit Changes

then its fixed

I don't know its weird :P

its not a big dill

But its true



Module activated. You will now be redirected back to the module list.

This module has attempted to perform some code edits, but failed. This may be due to a connection error, or access denial. It is recommended that you manually perform the code edits instead.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:but it still has a lot of bugs on my MyBB

(44.33% PHP / 55.67% MySQL)
PHP version: 4.4.0 / Server Load: / GZip Compression: Enabled
Please, can you make some sense?
The page generation time has nothing to do with bugs as far as I'm aware of...

Anyway, updated to v0.41.
Hopefully no bugs in this one.
Users with MyPlaza v0.4, and advanced modules enabled and configured, can install the update by simply going to their AdminCP » MyPlaza » Update Manager » Install this Update.
Otherwise, you'll have to manually upload and overwrite the files, and run the upgrade011.php file.

oh COOL! :yipi:

EDIT, i don't know how to install it through Update Manager, i can't find any mpu files in your pack =|
EDIT EDIT, I upgraded manually and i got this message when running the upgrade script:
Upgrade successful!MySQL error: 1163
The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns
Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mybb_plaza_temp` (`tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `template` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (tid)) TYPE=HEAP
New installation for your new version (I am trying it to see if it will work properly). When attempting to change the MyPlaza settings for default money, I get this error:

MySQLi error: 1067
Invalid default value for 'money'
Query: ALTER TABLE mybb_users CHANGE `money` `money` decimal(16,2) NOT NULL default ''

I'm just full of errors, aren't I? :P

Pirata Nervo Wrote:EDIT, i don't know how to install it through Update Manager, i can't find any mpu files in your pack =|
EDIT EDIT, I upgraded manually and i got this message when running the upgrade script:
Upgrade successful!MySQL error: 1163
The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns
Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mybb_plaza_temp` (`tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `template` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (tid)) TYPE=HEAP
Appears to be an issue with MySQL not supporting BLOB fields in HEAP tables... >_>

FirefoxWiz Wrote:New installation for your new version (I am trying it to see if it will work properly). When attempting to change the MyPlaza settings for default money, I get this error:

MySQLi error: 1067
Invalid default value for 'money'
Query: ALTER TABLE mybb_users CHANGE `money` `money` decimal(16,2) NOT NULL default ''

I'm just full of errors, aren't I? :P

Thanks, I'll look into it for you.
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