Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anyone had problems accessing this site?
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Just wondering, 'cause last night, before I went to bed, the site wouldn't load - I thought it was just Freehostia's MySQL server down again, but I tried today, and realised this wasn't the case.

Oddly, it seems there's a few new posts... Erk

The problem?  I have no idea actually, but it seems that a table F***CKd up somehow - doing a "repair" operation fixed everything... odd.

yeah, a couple times i couldn't connect to the site
I only had trouble accessing it from school, cause the server blocked my school ip.
ME! ME MEMEMEMEM!!! i wanted to post the farking psp2 was confirmed but it didnt laod.
everything has been working for me
I couldn't access for a while.

My last act was editing the first post to the SCEP prx thread.

Then I couldn't access until my last post in the shoutbox...

I was worried it was gone forever!
YoYoBalls Wrote:everything has been working for me
every things fine, i have these probs all the time on my freehostia site
the only time this hasn't worked is when the serves down, (for your information, my server was down @ same time whenever yors is, so it fine ;) )
^^Yeah, that's a pain with freehostia - every now and then, the MySQL server goes down...  dunno why.
Otherwise, freehostia's pretty good IMO.
Today i was having problems loading the website
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