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Full Version: Custom Firmware 3.72 HX-2 released
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Here you go EPeople

Quote: 3.72 HX-2 UPDATER


This updater will update your 3.72 HX-1 to 3.72 HX-2.

Put the EBOOT.PBP in the folder PSP/GAME/UPDATE.Run it,it will flash the new files.


This update will install 3.72 HX-2 on PSP's from 3.71 M33-1 to 3.

Put the EBOOT.PBP and the umodule.prx in the folder PSP/GAME/UPDATE together with the 3.72 original EBOOT.PBP renamed to 372.PBP.
Run the updater and follow the instructions.


- This new updater will prevent that the user shuts the psp down or put it in stand by,some people requested it.
- The new updater will save your recovery configuration for 3.72 HX-2,so no need to put all from 0.

In case the updater can't get the config,put these in enabled:

- skip sony logo
- hide corrupt icons
- Sony UMD mode

- The updater will check if some of the components are corrupt,this was a user request too.


- Contains the latest 3.71 M33-3 changes.
- The file vshctrl.prx IS NOT the one from Dark_AleX,It's coded by me after reversing it 100%.

The exported functions from the vshctrl.prx are the same like the 3.71 M33-3 SDK,plus two more:

1. int vctrlVSHEraseIsoCache(con st char* path) » Lets you erase the cache from an iso created by the CF.
If the parameter is empty "",it will erase the whole cache,not just from one iso.

The iso cache will not be created in the memorystick.It will be in the flash1.I made this function to test stuff faster.Gives a 0 if it deletes correctly else it will give -1.

2. int vctrlVSHMakeCFDirs() » Lets you create the custom firmware directories,in case you don't have them(GAME150,GAME372...)i n the memstick.Good if you have a pandora memstick and can't format the ms but don't want to create all directories by hand.

- Only one vshctrl.prx for both psp models.In 3.71 M33-3 and others there was a vshctrl for the fat and an other one for the slim because they have slight changes.This new vshctrl will detect if you got SLIM or FAT.

- Other non important changes in the code.


PS. I don't have much time,so,I still have to update alot of stuff of the custom firmware,create a new recovery, etc,
I release this update because,1- For the people that believe in me and have 3.72 hx-1 so they can have the new 3.71 M33-3 features and to show the people that i don't just do hex edit,you can see it reversing the vshctrl if you don't believe.
sounds interesting but pops still wouldnt work
why not its just a reversed version of 3.71m33-3 so pops should
So good to see this,. makes me really happy!!
Nice details!, like preinstalled recovery settings if config file aint there,..

reversing means basicly he still using DA code but adding some of his own,.. if i am correct,.
u_c_taker Wrote:sounds interesting but pops still wouldnt work

Use the pops loader i posted in the ps1psp topic with the rayman game!!

And this cf will use pops 3.72 if i am correct!!
DAX For the win
Vegetano1 Wrote:reversing means basicly he still using DA code but adding some of his own,.. if i am correct,.

Actually, reverse engineering is much more complicated than adding a few lines to someones source code.
It means you do not have the source code, but recreate the desired product through analysis ect...

Incredibly complicated work, when you are trying to pull off something like the latest M33 cfw.  

This dude is very intelligent indeed.  ;)  His work is completely based of DAX's, but he had to put a lot of work into this.  And if DAX holds true to his word, of "retiring from cfw", than wee should all be extremely grateful for something like this.

You can read a little more about reverse engineering here:

^ You can just "add a few lines" of code, in fact, that's what most hacks do.
However, the difficultly is finding a place to add these lines of code, and also making code that's compatible.

By "100%" I guess he means either that he's fully understood how it works, or decompiled (regenerated some high level code) the entire file.

This is an interesting development, though I don't quite agree on what he's doing...
I agree with Zinga, however, i don't agree with _HellDashX_ in reversing Dax Firmware, he should try to reverse sony's files, no dax's files.
Pirata Nervo Wrote:i don't agree with _HellDashX_ in reversing Dax Firmware, he should try to reverse sony's files, no dax's files.
It's one way of learning how things work, though, yes, he should put his efforts into looking into Sony's files, but that's his decision.
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