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I really really really want to get a Macbook because Leapord OSX looks amazing!!!!, but I don't know anything about Mac or Apple, or anything, cause, unfortunatley, I was raised on Windows [sad face] This would be a good choice? I've always learned quick, and they look easy and basic enough. Do you think the transition would be simple? Please, Enlighten me. . . .

EDIT: Also, just curious, would I be able to have a multi-OS setup like I have in the past with Windows? I just want to know if I can keep my Custom WinXP, cause its badass(Squee knows...) but yeah, just wondering. . . . .
I think you could duel boot Leapord, if you HD is big enough
People should stop just thinking about looks.

There are many other factors, such as compatibility with existing programs?  In any case, if you have not seriously used a different OS, stick to Windows - there will almost certainly be issues if you jump into a world you're not sure with.  If you think it's interesting, start off by either dual booting the OS, or emulating it.  If you find that it's right, and works for you, then feel free to jump to it.

That aside, I would not get a Macbook.
well my brother took the transition nicely/ /

i think you should go . . you can always dualboot it
Thanks for the feedback EP, I understand where your coming from Zinga, and will try so, But I have to get my own puter soon, so I'll probably consider deigo's option.

Once again, Thanks much EP
since nowadays macs can be dual booted with windows even if u have trouble initially u could always use xp till u get the hang of the mac os
I might be getting a Mac in a few months and I'm in the same boat, I've used Macs a few times but other than that I'm not too familiar with them. Is running that Boot Camp thing to dual boot Windows XP hard to do?
It's not that hard. If your goin to use different versions of windows, then you intall the oldest first and so on....
Bootcamp is a great (and simple) tools to use to set up a dual-boot mac, Leopard on the other hand isn't as good as it was cracked up to be and has some major issues.

I personally don't like mac hardware and never look forward to paying 5x what something is worth, if I did I would shop at PC world.
UncertainGod Wrote:Bootcamp is a great (and simple) tools to use to set up a dual-boot mac, Leopard on the other hand isn't as good as it was cracked up to be and has some major issues.

I personally don't like mac hardware and never look forward to paying 5x what something is worth, if I did I would shop at PC world.


that's why I don't like macs :)

but everyone else in my family has one
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