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but for gamers who want somethin very standard the 360 looks like the best bet
Yeah need to get a 360 has better games right now.
u_c_taker Wrote:x360 is gonna win the next console war
but ive heard the ps3 has got better graphics

ive read an article where they compared the exact same games on xbox360 and ps3, and the x360 version almost always looked better!

also all the ps3 games suck. compared to x360, for example THP8 has online on x360 but no online on ps3. and the ps3 is hella expensive
and it has blu ray games, which is bullchocolate cause it fits easily on a dvd (look at the x360 version)

and it has a 60gb harddrive
so what
xbox360 has a 120gb harddrive now, which you can even upgrade yourself easily already, and it will always be easier to mod ur 360's hdd because of it being removable without opening the case

and the ps3 is too big, and soo ugly and idioticly designed cause you can't put anything on top of it like controllers, unlike the 360 where you can just put the controllers on top and they won't fall out because of the curve xD

and then the price. so for average graphics, little good games, an uncool design and a mere 60gb harddisk with a bluray player built in that isn't even 100% compatible with the newest blurays, you waste as much money as it costs you to get a:

- good console with the same graphics, large variety of good games (saints row, halo 3, gta 4, etc etc etc etc etc), a nice design with interchangable faceplates, an upgradable harddisk, and (nowadays) a nice and quiet dvd player

- great fun console with reasonable graphics, large variety of 'different' games that are fun for everyone, a totally different gaming experience that compliments any other console, a very cool and small design, a native gamecube emulator,

- an extra controller for both

- some games for both

Blu-ray Disc Specification Change Threatens Current Players
The reason why not so good games hant been released on the ps3 is because the game developers hadnt been given the right/final version of the Dev-Kit

Also it has been said that the ps3's Cell CPU and RSX Graphics are a pain in the bum to program to make use the full abilities of the PS3

so unless some game-devs are willing to sweat blood to really show what the ps3 is capable of, otherwise its a fail if it dosnt have this game-dev support
wii is way cooler than everythin else
yeah that's why the ps3 sucks, if its hard to program and the devs arent treated right like with x360, then the games are no good, which is the most important part obviously (even though sony tries to market the ps3 as an 'entertainment device', which annoys us gamers to death by the way. :P
haha yeah, id still say go for the wii
new innovation that microsoft and sony have 'borrowed' or devoloping on, they should of patented it under some weird name like "fun wand"
although i am not an xbox fan, and i allways know sony is capable of pulling something right out of its donkey
just need to wait for that right game for the ps3......

WII For the win in the meantime :P
i never tried the wii before =[

I wonder when there gonna come out with a xbox portable.
i always thought the wiimote would be bigger
from the pics
but i guess i like it like this
i want one
no money
and no support from siblings/parents
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