Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ** Battle Royale....... 4 ]] [[ Enter Now!!
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[Image: 8bp5a0x.png]


Welcome to the first Battle Royale in quite a long time... No. 4. mmm... 4... mmm.


PREVIOUSLY ON BR III - The BIG SIG SPECIAL!? Well, wee saw 8, fantastic entries, absolutely awesome.

So I want to thank all the participants of that one, including the winner, Nacos, and participants Scribble, lat03, Diego, Tigerfan, Shady545, KaZx & LastPerson.


Time : You have 48-Hours to enter!

Rules : Freestyle | No GIFs | Must be New! (No Old Sigs)

Limit of Participants : Unlimited till Time is Out


Should be another great one everyone!


~ Sensei Seito

(Oh, I wouldn't forget about thanking you ZiNgA, lol, these little events wouldn't occur if it wasn't for your Endless Paradigm, Thank You ;))
i don't think I can join . . . too much school work. . . but I will TRY to make some simple thing tomorrow. . .

me-» :( :whip: «- teacher (bitch)
ill try to to something for tommorrow...
if im bored i might enter
diego Wrote:me-» :( :whip: «- teacher (bitch)


thanks last person for the mention it was my pleasure to enter
hope i have the chance to enter this one :great:
if i have time i might submit something...
I'm in. I'll try to come up with something tomorrow.
meh might as well enter this. . .

[Image: watawacopywt6.png]


my dad got me working on a logo for a sailing series/
im a slave this week  . ..

me-» :( :whip: «-teacher (bitch)
dad-» :slap: «-me

u_c_taker Wrote:if im bored i might enter


Shady545 Wrote:
diego Wrote:me-» :( :whip: «- teacher (bitch)


thanks last person for the mention it was my pleasure to enter
hope i have the chance to enter this one :great:

Great, I'm looking forward to see what you come up with

beaner2k6 Wrote:if i have time i might submit something...

Please ^^

badthingshappen Wrote:I'm in. I'll try to come up with something tomorrow.


diego Wrote:meh might as well enter this. . .

[Image: watawacopywt6.png]


my dad got me working on a logo for a sailing series/
im a slave this week  . ..

me-» :( :whip: «-teacher (bitch)
dad-» :slap: «-me

Dam man, thanks for the Submission anyway, nice stuff, keep in mind it has to be new so I'm assuming that's the case.

I have my sig finished.
yeah  I made that tag yesterday after this thread was made. . . . I made it my sig then I started getting SQL errors so I couldnt submit it here yet. . . JOIN PEOPLE@
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