Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Metal Gear Solid Theme (PTF+RCO)
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Pages: 1 2
gameboot isn't an rco, its a pmf, and its not really editable, you just have to create it if you want to make one look at this thread
its the best thread for custom gameboots and cintros, its where i learned to make alot of my old gameboots
beaner2k6 Wrote:cool
gameboot isn't an rco, its a pmf, and its not really editable, you just have to create it if you want to make one look at this thread
its the best thread for custom gameboots and cintros, its where i learned to make alot of my old gameboots

my mistake u are correct and thanks for that link!
no prob, coming from a real MGS fan: i hope to love your gameboot &/or cintro if you succeed
Great but when ever i try and go to photos and open one it freezes
hmmm hasn't happened to me...have u had previous custom xmb's installed? if yes erase those files and replace with the orignalss that's all i can think of!
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