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Full Version: Help with textarea in html
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can someone help me with it please?

everything is ok and its working perfectly, im just trying to add breakline in the textarea but i don't know how.
this is my php code to update the table:

PHP Code:
$this->db->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."users SET items='".$this->mybb->user['items']."'
money=money-".intval($itemarray['price'])." WHERE uid='".intval($this->mybb->user['uid'])."'");

between this '".$this»mybb»user['items']."' and '".$this»db»escape_string($itemarray['name'])."' must be something and <br> won't work as its a textarea... can someone help me please?

tried <p>
no i didnt but im almost sure that it won't work
I don't think <P> would work since I used to use that as for my text and not <br>

but go ahead and try it. . . no harm
For textareas, you just put a normal new line.

Use the \n character in PHP strings.
ahh there ya go - the expert speaks :P i was just speculating myself, however it should have occured to me that you could just add a regular newline as it is just a standard textbox like you get in vb (DOH).
Lol Anger.  It wouldn't have taken you long anyway :P

It's just that I've been dealing with this stuff a bit recently.  If I hadn't, I'd be clueless as well XD

Ahh, these little things with languages.  I get pissed off at Java cause I'm not aware of these little things.
thanks zinga that should work !
well noone can claim to know everything. :P its a pretty cool coincidence that you have been working with them recently, and i should remembered my saying, google is my friend. :P
i did not try it yet as my site is down for some reason :P but i will post results if I'm able to.
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