I have $60 to burn on a game, and I've narrowed it down to these 2. I'll eventually get both, but which should I get today?
I Would Get Call Of Duty 4 It Looks Real Good And I Heard Online Play Is Pretty Good :)
do what my mate is doing, buy the one, then return it for the other after yo played it a bit, and, if you prefer the first one swap it back (that assumes you have ashop that will let you do that, like wee do in UK :D)
Unfortunately I can't do that. It has to be sealed in order to return it :(
this is seriously a tough choice, i love the COD series, but I'm also anxiously awaiting Assassin's Creed :P
but I'm going to recommend you getting Assassin's Creed first :)
Assassin's Creed!!!
That's a must have... I played call of duty and it definitely looks great,
but I would still go for assassins creed cause of the storyline.
Well, I got Call of Duty 4. Assassin's Creed was pushed back another week and a half :(
oh well, have fun with COD4 :D