Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Extend your phone's camera - with a telescope
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Quote:Mobile phone cameras and digital zooms are becoming more powerful, but sometimes they just don’t cut it when trying to take pictures of, say, the girl next door. So, online retailer Brando has launched an attachable telescope for mobile phones to solve all your distance-viewing problems.
Source: YouTube

Quote:The kit comprises a 7x magnification telescope, about the same power as a pair of binoculars, that screws onto an adjustable clamp designed to fasten onto the top and bottom of a mobile phone, as the movie above shows.

It fits around camera phones between 91 and 109mm long, which includes Nokia’s N95, and Sony Ericsson’s W810 and K810i. Brando also offers the clamps in a range of six colours, including red and pink.

[Image: brando_mobilephone_telescope2.jpg]
Taken without the Generic Mobile Phone Telescope (left) and with (right)
Quote:A 7x magnified image is then shown on the user’s mobile phone display, from where they can point the lens at anything, or anyone, in the distance and snap away to their heart’s content.

Users adjust the telescope’s focus manually by rotating the lens left or right, in the usual fashion.

The Generic Mobile Phone Telescope is available now from Brando’s website for $22 (£11/€18).
Not bad results,

I guess if you have a need for this type of thing then it could be useful,
^^^^^^^^lol you mean very bad,.!!!?
Nice article but who would want to have this,..!?
Me i want one for my K850i so i can spy on people :D
Now you take pictures up girls skirts from 7x farther away
lol, i wouldnt do that to my camera.
woudl this work for say a camera with no zoom? soudns like it would.....
Mmmm, long distance pictures, mmmmm:drunk:
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