Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Concept] Italian Leather
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[Image: 1862130352_27a2e58725.jpg]

[Image: 1862130444_c623971784.jpg]

this is just an idea for a theme I thought of.
Nice concept professor!

However, if your planning to have the submenu icons on the right like that, the icons would have to be rather large due to canvas size. This could lead to white blocks/squares.

Perhaps position the submenu icons in a different position?

Nice concept though, keep it up!
mc cabe from the looks of it he isn't going to have submenu icons he is just going to reposition the text and change its size

so im guessing the topmenu will be quite sall for uncompressed

good luck

looks well
very nice concept you got there.
I'd use it.
Looks a little too square for me.
..make it real...for better costumization scene  ;)
wee whaiting for ya whit this hotie !!
sorry I've being really busy with the Acid Mods theme.
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