Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #12--Family Guy
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alright, here's the results from SOTW #11

1st place: lat03 with 8 votes
2nd place: squee666 with 6 votes
3rd place: deep, ExBu and diego with 4 votes each

so congratz to lat03 for surviving the Halloween Battle!!

now then, on to this week's SOTW.....

in honor of Family Guy's 100th episode, this week's theme is Family Guy

so get busy!!!!
YEAH FAMILY GUY!!!. . . . too bad I probably won't be able to do anything in 3d Sadist
J is gonna enter but dnt expect n e thing great!!!!
im not entering this week
I'm not that much of an artist, but if i can come up with something, i will
ill try to do something...

i have a shitload of work to do... T_T
i hate family guy... >.<
Eh, I don't really like Family Guy, but I'll enter something fuk*** different that nobody will expect! (It'll still be Family Guy though sort of)
Cool, maybe ill try again.
[Image: Untitled-1-1.png]

meh i might do a better one during the week


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