Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #12--Family Guy
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[Image: peterot4.jpg]



[Image: familyguysotw1entryob8.png]


well since i had time i made this

[Image: 2z51029.gif]


yeah i no its poo poo! :P

damn I won't join anymore. . .I really don't have any time this week
[Image: fg1.jpg]

hmm my second try with a better photoshop
expect me to make another one in the next 2 days, depending how much work i get done at home.
make it day and a half, cause entry time finishes at friday morning EST
u serious, man i better get rollin!
did something simple and rushed

busy thinking of a series of sigs i want to make involving cg feathers

[Image: SOTW12.png]


[Image: FamilyGuy.png]

Here's mine.


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