If you can't be bothered to do all that, and have a big field, just shoot and measure the displacement. Also record the height you're shooting from.
Average velocity can be calculated.
(if I recall correctly) height = 9.81 × t2 « solve for t
Then: velocity = displacement ÷ t
KE = 1/2 × mv2
Unless your field is in a vacuum that won't work because of the air resistance. In this method there isn't much displacement so the air resistance is negligable but if you shoot a bullet and wait for it to come down it will play a significant role.
It would be: height = 0.5gt2 and [horiz. distance] = speed * t «- fill in t, or do this:
If you can't be bothered to do all that, and have a big field, just shoot and measure the displacement. Also record the height you're shooting from.
Average velocity can be calculated.
(if I recall correctly) height = 9.81 × t2 « solve for t
Then: velocity = displacement ÷ t
KE = 1/2 × mv2
Unless your field is in a vacuum that won't work because of the air resistance. In this method there isn't much displacement so the air resistance is negligable but if you shoot a bullet and wait for it to come down it will play a significant role.
It would be: height = 0.5gt2 and [horiz. distance] = speed * t «- fill in t, or do this:
Horizontal Distance / √ 2h / g = Speed in m/s
Depends by what you consider "negligible".
You can factor in air resistance, but I forgot how. Ask me two years ago, and I could probably have answered this >_>
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:You can factor in air resistance, but I forgot how. Ask me two years ago, and I could probably have answered this >_>
Too bad physics is not something u can easily remember in your mind for always, like the times tables or something.
2 years ago, i pwnt at physics. Best out of all my subjects. Got scaled score (final score after standardization) of like 97 for physics.
As a comparison, i got scaled score of like 50 for English, but that's cause i never really bothered trying for English, as in the ACT system, your english scores do not have to be factored into your UAI (the uni entrance score).
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Apparently, you don't do Physics in Business :P
I'm doing actuarial.
It's just stats, finance ... and more stats, and more finance, with a little bit of econ, business and stuff.
Assassinator Wrote:Too bad physics is not something u can easily remember in your mind for always, like the times tables or something.
Yeah, though I remember Physics much better than I do Chemistry. I find that you have to remember a load of poo poo in Chem, whereas Physics is more remembering concepts (why I found Physics much easier than Chemistry).
I barely can remember anything from Chemistry...
Oddly, I remember a bit from Maths still (could be because of my stats courses).
Assassinator Wrote:As a comparison, i got scaled score of like 50 for English, but that's cause i never really bothered trying for English, as in the ACT system, your english scores do not have to be factored into your UAI (the uni entrance score).
Hmm, but it's still compulsory unfortunately... I did rather poo poo at English (I partly blame English teacher) so it ended up not counting towards my final grade.
Assassinator Wrote:I'm doing actuarial.
It's just stats, finance ... and more stats, and more finance, with a little bit of econ, business and stuff.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Yeah, though I remember Physics much better than I do Chemistry. I find that you have to remember a load of poo poo in Chem, whereas Physics is more remembering concepts (why I found Physics much easier than Chemistry).
I barely can remember anything from Chemistry...
I was never that good at chem... :@
Anyways, i don't remember a whole lot from Chem at all.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Oddly, I remember a bit from Maths still (could be because of my stats courses).
I remember more maths than Physics and Chem added up. Like all the calculus and stuff u have to know for the stat courses I'm doing now.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:And law...?
Entry into the Law degree needs a pre-requisite of 90+ in majors in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. And as additional criteria for acceptance, u have to pass the Umat with a score of 200+, with no less than 50 in any of the 3 components, and pass both rounds of the selection interview.
(That's more like something Medicine would require)
Hell, Law needs nothing but English. (And I suck at English = bad idea)
Assassinator Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Apparently, you don't do Physics in Business :P
I'm doing actuarial.
It's just stats, finance ... and more stats, and more finance, with a little bit of econ, business and stuff.
Something like this [Typical Full-time Program Pattern, taken from the uni]
Death by stats...
And for your electives, guess what u can choose... more Econ/Finance/Stats ofcourse.
Good thing it's only 3 years to get the degree, considering this is one of the highest paying degrees out there. (compare with medicine which is 7 years, med pays better though)
A know this is basic stuff.but i would like to bring it up, as wee see above, a bullet fired from a gun is very fast, and VERY dangerous, lets say , a person moving at a speed that is a M/s slower than the bullet that was fired,and then the person gets hit. It's like getting hit by practically nothing, isn't that sweet!, that's why i would love super speed!!!
Entry into the Law degree needs a pre-requisite of 90+ in majors in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. And as additional criteria for acceptance, u have to pass the Umat with a score of 200+, with no less than 50 in any of the 3 components, and pass both rounds of the selection interview.
Nah, I meant don't you have to do law courses? I think I have a law course...
Assassinator Wrote:(That's more like something Medicine would require)
But still, over here, law is nowhere as hard as medicine...
Assassinator Wrote:Something like this [Typical Full-time Program Pattern, taken from the uni]
Interesting course :P Have fun XD
Eaglejack Wrote:A know this is basic stuff.but i would like to bring it up, as wee see above, a bullet fired from a gun is very fast, and VERY dangerous, lets say , a person moving at a speed that is a M/s slower than the bullet that was fired,and then the person gets hit. It's like getting hit by practically nothing, isn't that sweet!, that's why i would love super speed!!!
Relative velocity :P
diego Wrote:heheh good point, . . I mean if the flash could run up to a bullet coming in the same direction as him he could catch it
What I find interesting, is that some bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. Especially those high powered guns, apparently can shoot bullets faster than 1km/s. Speed of sound = ~340m/s, so those movies, where the hero has super faster reaction times, dodging a bullet after hearing it being fired, is somewhat wrong... :P