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Full Version: [HOW TO] Remove Manhunt 2's kill Censor
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i uncensored my version! Can't WAIT TO PLAY!

he who uncensors games is god.
well perhaps i might try to uncensor it just to become god...
i must be god
confirmed that this indeed works

woot woot

and i got a special something for our senior and aboves :diablo: :whip:
weird, i did it and i got a buffer overflow while loading... T_T

one question though, can i use the same GLVLSET.INI in all levels, i though i had to use each specific one...
I'll wait tell sum one uploads a 100% uncensored copy
to busy to do it my self right now . . .
yeah it would be great for someone to upload a copy of the hacked game.
@lat03: for the .INI file taken from the /levels/xxxx folder, you can use the same one for all the "LEVEL" folders.
Found this from another site:-

Another Site Wrote:The game's config is located in PSP_GAME > USRDIR > GLOBAL > INIS (discovered accidently when i was trying to see what could be ripped), which houses some very intresting files. The two I've had time to look at are SHOTTD.INI and WEAPTD.INI. I havent tested any of this (lack of time) but feel free to play around with them if you guys wish.

This file contains information on the weapons, so it'd be pretty easy to enhance the stats for the player a little bit (thou they may apply to the AI's too, so be carefull!). The weapon format looks a bit like this, and here's a few options i notice:

RECORD 6shooter
   SHOT_TYPE_1   6shooterShot
   MAX_CLIPS   6
   CLIP_AMMO   6
   MAX_SHOTS   1
   RECOIL_DIST      3, 0
   RECOIL_TIME      0.2
   SHOT_SPREAD   0 dropPED_AMMO   15
   MODEL_RELOAD_ANIM   6Shooter_Reload_W
#   MODEL_RELOAD_EMPTY_ANIM Glock_Reload_Empty_W
#   MODEL_FIRE_EMPTY_ANIM Glock_Fire_Empty_W
   RELOAD_LOOP   1, 1.333

this means how many clips each weapon can handle. Increasing this should give you the capacity to carry more clips than you would usually (e.g. instead of 6 clips for the 6shooter, you could have 100) be warned thou it may have adverse effects for specific weapons (e.g. camera) that may not be able to handle it

this means how many units of ammo a clip can contain. Increasing this should mean you have more ammo to use before you have to reload. (e.g. shotgun has 8 ammo units before it has to reload. Changing this would mean you wouldnt have to reload til you fired it x number of times)

this means how many units of ammo are used up every time you fire. In the case of the sawnoffshotgun, it uses 8 units every time you fire. Increasing this value could mean more units are used (so you'd have to compensate via clip_ammo and max_clips, to ensure you don't run out quickly) but give you a greater shooting area (e.g. knock out a few extra enemies if they're standing together)

Recoil basically means the movement of the gun after you fire. The more times you fire in sequence, the more the weapon moves about. Changing the values to below should result in no recoil, meaning you can keep shooting your enemy without having to worry about bullets missing them.

RECOIL_DIST      0, 0
RECOIL_TIME      0.0

This file contains information on the effects that the weapons have. The format for each weapon looks like this:

RECORD 6shooterShot
   SIZE          35
   DAMAGE         25
   PLAYER_DAMAGE      20
   HARD_BSP_HIT_FX      gunshot_spark
#   SOFT_BSP_HIT_FX      gunshot_chip
   CHARACTER_HIT_FX   lbloodk
   SMOKE_BSP_HIT_FX   gunshot_smoke
   STREAK_FX      gunshot_streak
   FLASH_FX      6shoot
   SHOT_FORCE      20
   BODIES_HIT      2

As the name suggests, this is how much damage each weapon inflicts on the person/AI being shot. You could change this value higher (giving you an almost "1-hit kill" mode). However, this could apply to the player, which is where the second option comes in...

This is how much damage the weapon does to the player. Its naturally slightly lower than the damage it does to the AI. Changing this value to 0 could mean that the player (e.g. you) doesn't get damaged at all when they get shot by an AI, so it'd be like having "God Mode" or "unlimited health". This only changes the weapon options, so you could still die if you fall from a great high or something.

That's all i found out last night, if you find any other options, or have feedback about your own findings then please post em here. :)

Confirmed working fine.

Nice find DON. That's fun to do!
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