Endless Paradigm

Full Version: firmware 3.72 EBOOT?
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Quote:          o Support for PlayStation Notwork titles has been expanded.
          o The one-segment in the channel list has been updated.
nice find, . . . hmm weird. . . an update with only 2 changes. . . and nothing special. .

damn I want God of war and manhunt 2 out already!
z7shaft Wrote:it is a useless update
Which one wasn't??? :P
(apart from 2.00, 3.00 and a few others)
lOL exactly . . . but not all new games require latest FW.
z7shaft Wrote:it is a useless update
but its sony's way to enforce us to update
remember that D_A said he was going to stop making CFW (hopefully not) and all other people claiming to do such things as CFW are resulting to be fake...
So, new games would require 3.72 ToT

unless wildcard decide to mysteriously return...they actually did something
One year ago, Update were cool... Lot's of new features...
And now? Whahahaha, what a dumb update. :Z

The only good update this year: Custom Themes (3.7).
i keep geting a 404 error
i read someplace that the PSPs UMD games don't require the updates, and yet they get to update the software... just to play a game that could be played with 1.50 firmware psp with version changer, unless I'm wrong.
Yup, another useless update by sony.
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