Endless Paradigm

Full Version: lolololololol pc harddrive corrupted so now only own a 20gb pc
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ok truthfully i expected this to happen on the 20gb im using but yesterday night and today all my files started to corrupt and when i moved stuff my pc would freeze for 2 seconds and a scraping noise would occur

luckily enough i backed up all my files i own and all the music i own is on my psp (lol 1.3gb for 900 songs)

then i went to do what hibby sai | Don't be a pussy fresh insatll your PC!!!!   |

well went to format hd with fresh install and went to % and hung for like 20minutes so fudgeit i reset my pc and try again well the hd is corrupt

so i install windows now on  20gb without formatting works fine

pc-1  squee-0

What's that pc i havnt lost anything except programs i can replace!!!

pc-1 squee-1

Oh what's that PC i was buying a 80gb brand new seagate hd!!!!!!!!

squee-2 pc-1

well now just thinking of the program i lost lol

xvid4psp5 &4
photoshop cs2 and imageready
portable cs3
gimp 2.4
windows live messenger
winrar (registered
hex workshop
total video converter
free registry cleaner
spybot S&D
limewire pro
google earth +sky
rocketdock (almost forgot lol)
windows media player classic lol
internet download manager

i might just keep this windows installewd on my 20gb and use my 80gb new hd as secindary then if my 20gb goes Norton Ghost the Bastard

30 pound instore for an 80gb internal is actually quite cheap but i could ebay a 160gb for the price but itll takee 2 long

don't worry vegetano1 i also backed the remanding dukes of hazard parts
that's sucks but the same thing happened to my HP Pavilion dv6000. I sent it to the company cause my motherboard fried and something about a VGA and it took forever and ended losing all my stuff and programs cause they restored it to company edition or something like that but i didnt backup up anything so.....

PC-1 MaTaMoSkA-0 Sadist
i think wee all lost data due to hard drive deaths at one time or another. solution is backup backup backup and yes backup. and no i don't back up as often as i should even though i have lost important data before.:out:
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