Endless Paradigm

Full Version: OMG!! NEW OLD CAMERA!!!
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Hooray!! I found this awesome camera down in my dad's office, and he said I could keep it!! Sure, it may be more than 3 years old and just barely too big for my pocket, but it's a high-quality digital camera, and that's all that counts :D I've been wanting a camera for, like, 2 years, so even if it's old-ish and slightly huge, I still love it.
is it usb or firewire? it sounds very nice if its firewire it will work very nice with my computer maybe ill takeit off ur hands :he:
no but srsly is it? ur lucky i wanted a camera too, but I'm gonna be broke for a few months :(
It's USB only, but I'm not really complaining, seeing as the firewire on my computer is kinda crappy. And you'll never take it from me. NEVER!!
lol, u never know what could happen, i am mexican after all
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