Endless Paradigm

Full Version: What would you do with your own artificial tornado?
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Well, okay, you can't make this at home.  Still, apart from testing jet engines, one may question the usefulness of this:
Quote:Mercedes museum hosts most powerful artificial tornado
[Image: tornado_thumb-mercedes-benz.jpg]
How better to get visitors to your museum than to create a massive man-made tornado in the middle of the building? Clearly, our cynical suggestion is not the motivation behind the creation of Mercedes-Benz's artificial tornado in the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart: their excuse was that the building had to abide by fire safety guidelines, which state that the massive open spaces in the museum required big fire doors the museum owner didn't want to put in place. The solution was apparently a 34.4 meter high tornado, powered by 144 jets and capable of moving 28 tons of air designed to clear smoke from the building -- and, for demonstration purposes, stage smoke. It's certainly not anyway near as powerful as a real tornado (the video after the break attests to that), but it's definitely just as pretty.
- Source: [Engadget]
I would take a dip into it every morning,.!!
Well i guess that will give some people a reason to visit the Mercedes-Benz museum,

They should of made it more powerful so that it could also be used as an elevator,  lol
i used that to clean my room lol
hibbyware Wrote:Well i guess that will give some people a reason to visit the Mercedes-Benz museum,

They should of made it more powerful so that it could also be used as an elevator,  lol
You mean escalator?
Remember to keep small children and pets away from the tornado

MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
hibbyware Wrote:Well i guess that will give some people a reason to visit the Mercedes-Benz museum,

They should of made it more powerful so that it could also be used as an elevator,  lol
You mean escalator?

Maybe they both move you up and down,
Well, tornadoes have the tendency to not only go upwards/downwards...
im gonna feed that tornado with stuffs and make it wreak havoc!!!!!!!!
wow now to cook up some plan to use that tornado Hahaha
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