im going to start building a computer and i was wondering if i should be looking to buy a intel or amd processor.
i say Intel, but that's just because i prefer them :P
It's a well known fact that at the current time, Intel's processors are better than AMD's.
I just went from "AMD single core" to "Intel quad core" and i have a :party: pc now,. lol
Intel is way better now,.!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's a well known fact that at the current time, Intel's processors are better than AMD's.
That's all i needed to hear Thanks. Ill post a pic of it when i finish building it.
intel indeed, mh mac is intel and i love it
If i had a Time machine and went back,about 1-2 years ago, I would Pick AMD(64x2), but currently intel is dominating the industry, with it's core2extreme processors and reliable motherboards.(^_^)
actually I would wait for the tr-processors that AMD are coming out with. . . cheap and reliable. . .
offtopic: Eaglejack no need to put on your sig. . . I made it in a rush a LONG time ago . . . haha remember?? at your house.!
By the way, the new Geforce 8800 GT, adds awesomeness to its genre!!