Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSwii60 preview
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Here's a preview on Sony's new PSwii60, Yeah I know, stealing ideas off Nintendo and Microsoft
[Image: monsterboxuu5.png]

My bad, The following image is the old leaked model.
new screen shot
[Image: pswii60ry0.png]

They updated fast :suprised:
already there's a new pic
[Image: pswii60lz0.png]
Designed for Microsoft windows 95? :suprised:

urgh.... Another already
this time it's a more detailed picture showing specs
[Image: pswii602tt8.png]
Whew, I had to Update again.
WOW!! new pic shows more specs!!

[Image: pswii602tt8.png]
Urgh... had to update again!
Double post
Ok now the PSwii60 has been officially presented to the world at E3 2009, 2 hours ago, by MicroTenSonyDo's new female CEO, Stevie Jobs. Heres a pic:

[Image: pswii602ft6.png]
how much does it cost??? I'm so exicted!
I can't wait!!!!!!
omfg that is so fudgeing badass i want one i have to have one I'll kill for one! desu
Is this homebrew capable

Will it run psp iso's
FINALLY, they include a handle to allow you to chuck it out the window.  It's certainly one of the most useful features ever!
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