Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Pandora From Slim battery
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Well many of us know that Pandora was only for PSP batterys, now a user called Xi-bit from Maxconsole claims he got a working package of tools for making the Slim battery in pandora one and reverse the process.

Warning : be very carefull with your slims batterys, many times Developers has stated that making pandora from Slim battery can make your battery unusable... So nobody really need to try this.                And yes , wee still ned CFW Psp to do this

Source : http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=85842

Quote:Xi-Bit wrote :

I have tested out that the Slim Battery can also be used as a Pandora.

I was told that i should post this becaus there is nothing else about this, so i do.

all i can say is that there is an video and a easy installer i the package you download,

just get the package, see the video, and use the easy installer exatly as i do.

Easy installer removed , sorry guys, head to the source for it...You need pandora V3 to do this unbrick ...The battery is made by the file atached below.

Here is some pictures of the battery, so you can see that it haven't been opened/hard-modded:

[Image: dsc00241mi1.jpg][Image: dsc00242uy9.jpg]
[Image: dsc00245xg1.jpg][Image: dsc00247xf6.jpg]
[Image: dsc00248xm9.jpg][Image: dsc00249df3.jpg]
Now who is gonna be the first brave one to try?...
lol i won't be..
i don't even have a slim yet... lol
I will do , tomorow night after the party , won't be hard for me ...
After that i post results...
gsmoke Wrote:I will do , tomorow night after the party , won't be hard for me ...
After that i post results...

Maybe best before the party!? :mdr:

Well if this works ,.!! nice work,.!
well i think sony have been pwnt again
u_c_taker Wrote:well i think sony have been pwnt again

If it works.
if i had a slim and a battery id happily test this, but i don't *is sad*
i wish i had a slim to test this Sadist
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