Endless Paradigm

Full Version: South Korea Starts Campaign for Robot Rights
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[Image: robots.jpg]
It may sound like something from a sci-fi flick, but South Korea is writing up a code of ethics to protect robots from being abused by humans and vice versa. Tops on their list is the issue of safety, especially now that more people are interacting with robots. Roboticists in Europe are also lobbying their governments for some form of robot rights. It's a little absurd when you think about it, but considering what's out there, who knows if wee'll ever need it.

- Source: [Gizmodo]
doesn't surprise since nk has been gearing up for a war for a good while
beaner2k6 Wrote:doesn't surprise since nk has been gearing up for a war for a good while
oh snaps srry i kinda skimmed through the message its sk? umm double you tee eff now i am surprised
this is crazy robot rights my foot

I wonder what rights clones will have in the future.
scary when you think of oportunity if robots can think than they will see OPORTUNITIES and take advantage desu, just gonna have to die before that happens desu
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