Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Icons messing up on 3.71 M33-2
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I recently updated my CFW, and I updated my .RCOs using the RCO editor from 3.40 oe-a to 3.71 m33-2 using uncompressed 3.71 m33-2 RCOs All my icons are showing up fine, exept for my wave won't appear and on the settings tab on the XMB, none of the icons show up, but they show perfectly for game/music/video ect. I've put my background as the 01-12 bitmap, and it showsu p but my waves won't appear over it. Any ideas on either problem?
for the icons not showing. . . its probably this.
.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:http://vegetano1.endlessparadigm.com/3.71.rar

there update your RCO's

I did update them, I opened all the 3.40 oe-a ones in the current RCO editor, extracted all. Then I opened the 3.71 rcos, and replace them multiply with the files.
there is a memory issue with 3,71 m33 but there r some measures to make all icons show up
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