my PSP's UMD drive used to work fine but just recently it's not working anymore. When you put UMD in it, when the PSP is on, the busy bar just kept showing. When you turn on the PSP, with UMD in the drive, the PSP hung, not showing the XMB menu until you remove the UMD in the drive. I'm hoping that the problem is not "hardware".
I saw before that there had been a "trick" that worked wonder for some malfunctioned UMD drive. Can someone help?;)
Hmm very weird. . . .
Are you sure its not the UMD?
But I think it is probrably Hardware problem. . .
Maybe you can try reflashing your FW.. .
If it is a hardware problem you can always send it to Sony to be fixed.
That happened to me. Just try reflashing your firmware.
And this hapened to me before , now the drive is all dead.This is problem of the umd Drive...Well i had it brocken for months on the PSP,then after the unit hit the floor , it worked again,but don't throw your PSP on the floor,they said this is some switch problem , that connects on the mainboard, but i didnt looked that far...
Now my drive also stoped reading , always the busy sound and nothing...
Someone posted this on maxconsole a while ago:
Quote: A little trick to recover a UMD Drive with OE
I had that problem once using in that time the 3.10 OE-A ( not OE-A´). The only thing i know it happened was when i was playing, and my battery exausted once. I put it to recharge, and go to bed, in the next morning, i turned on my PSP and my UMD drive stoped work.
Always when i turn my PSP on, the reading icon appears, the drive spins and nothing, or appears " Disc can not be read" or my PSP locks up.
I send it to repair, they exchanged the UMD drive, and still doenst worked. So i asked to put my old drive again.
Now the trick.
Everyone knows there is a little delay when you turn on the PSP using the OE firmware. It´s loading the 1.50 bootstrap.
1st - Disable the UMD auto loading from System Settings or SCE logo and TURN OFF the PSP
2nd - Open your drive with the disk inside
3rd - Turn on the PSP - when it is in the black screen , close the UMD door. It´s tricky because it is only timing. If it doesn't works, repeat the steps again.
After the disc appears in the XMB, everything works perfectly and you don´t need do that again. I don´t know why it happened, or why, but it worked.
After that you can turn on the UMD loading or SCE logo if you wish.
PS: Sorry for the bad english, that´s not my primary language.
Last edited by Pender666 : 08-06-2007 at 06:06 PM.
yeah sony always make crapy drives
I just got online. Haven't had internet for awhile. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm gonna try what Mr. Shizzy posted he saw in Maxconsole. Actually, I read this but had a hard time looking for it 'cause I don't remember where I read it. Thanks Mr. Shizzy. Hope it works.
By the way, I run the key cleaner of Chilly Willy and it found out that key 0x0047 is bad or missing. So I let the key cleaner fix it. But it doesn't sorted out my issue with the uMD drive. So what is fixed then? I mean what's key 0x0047? ;)
Again, thanks, lol.:wink2:
mmm one of my psps has never played umds since i got it.... maybe that will fix mine!
i doubt it though! :(
The "trick" is not working for me. Anyway, how do I recover my 3.52 M33-2? Do I need to downgrade to 1.50fw? I don't have the recovery files for M33, I only have those for OE. ;)
Please help as I really want to recover my UMD drive. I'm hoping that it's not hardware problem.:S