Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Editing Click Sounds.
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Ok. So I wanted to get my own .vag files and use them as my xmb click sounds on my 3.52m33 psp.

So my questions are:

What are the requirements for each click sound? (Like how long, frequency, etc.)

And how do I put the .vag files in my system_plugin.rco. (I think that I just need to use rco editor, right? And on a decrypted system_plugin.rco, right?

Lastly, where can I get the system_plugin.rco that I can use to put the .vag files in?

Thanks for any help you can give me.
1.i think there is a tutorial in -hacks on how to do this. . . ( i think you need programs like goldwave and others)
2.yes I think you just use the RCO editor.
3.over here in the dl section - http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/downloa...ew&did=214 that's the link to where.
You need to use MFAudio to convert WAV sounds to VAG.  If I recall correctly, frequency must be 44.1kHz (you'll need to check) and bits per sample must be 16 bit.

If you want a stereo sound, you'll need to save and convert each channel as separate VAG files.

This guide should still mostly work for 3.5x: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=400 (use 3.5x RCOs instead of 2.xx ones described there)
EDIT: By the way, I just found a mistake there, use system_plugin.rco , not system_plugin_fg.rco

Good luck!
Ok. Thanks guys! I was sorta confused!
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