Endless Paradigm

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Ive registered it under my name, although, zing said hes not really gonna use it, so here :D
Be good cause wee will need some channel opperators ;)

/server irc.gnu.org
/j #zingaburga

if you're using fire fox, i suggest chatzilla
other than that, mIRC ;)
nice boomhowza
everyone, go to the irc!
everyone go on the irc!
Double post
lol, thanks ;)
out of curiosity, when any1 logs in, do they apear as an opperator???
i do :D
i appear as that dark green circle on chatzilla
Double post
i lied
I'm just an irc member when i go on
I'm guessing this isn't a registered channel then. Also might I suggest a better server I'm not really a fan of that one (Plus my Nick is already registered D=)
irc.toc2rta is a good server
I'm not too fond of freenode either...

Toc2rta is no more, but you can go to irc.dashhacks.com (gregs) or irc.malloc.us (new toc2rta run by most of the same people), though wouldn't reccomend irc.dashhacks.com at the moment as it has no services. Theres also zerochan.org, runned by Caprisun. Its got good uptime.
so what's the site?
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