Endless Paradigm

Full Version: User-Powered Gym Saves Money (For the Gym)
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[Image: client-powered-gym.jpg]Imagine a gym that ran its lights and TVs off the energy that was generated by all the treadmills and stairmasters being used. That's exactly what some guy in Hong Kong did, hamsterizing his gym to power a few TVs and 60-watt light bulbs with workout-power.

This is just a gimmick to get more customers, since all the electricity generated in a year by these only adds up to $183, whereas the installation cost was $15,000. Still, kinda cool if they knock off some of the membership fees for participants. That would get rid of one of about six excuses wee have not to work out.

- Source: [Gizmodo]
Wow, can you really generate that much energy by using treadmills though?  Wow.
that's cool give me the address maybe ill go there
that's pretty nifty idea i like it though i can't say i would participate much...
lol me neither
they should make a fitness arcade like this, playing GTA:VC on a super energy effecient pc with a pair of energy efficient virtual reality glasses and powering the system by running would make me so skinny :P
Ge64 Wrote:lol me neither
they should make a fitness arcade like this, playing GTA:VC on a super energy effecient pc with a pair of energy efficient virtual reality glasses and powering the system by running would make me so skinny :P

lol that would be cool
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