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Full Version: Emulators on OSX?
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Do they make good emulators for GBA, SNES, etc. for Mac OSX? The reason is I'm gonna get a MacBook and having classic games on it would be great.
Anyone? Anyone at all? Whenever I search google all that comes up is ways to emulate OSX on XP/Vista and vice-versa.
Ok, this is where the power of my Google-fudge you shall astound you.


Click the first link.
Great, thanks for making me feel stupid. All I had to do was add the "console" to the beginning...Sadist

That's what I get when I'm running on 3 hours of sleep 9_9
Don't feel small if I am a god of anything it is probably Google. :P
lol googlebot is UG

    *  Arnold v1.7.7 - Amstrad CPC/CPC+ Emulator
    * Boycott Advance v0.3.9 - Nintendo Gameboy Advance Emulator
    * BSNES v0.1.8 - Nintendo SNES Emulator (Requires G5)
    * fMSX v3.0.3 - MSX1/2/2+ Emulator
    * Frodo v4.3.9 - Commodore 64 Emulator
    * Generator v0.4.3 - Sega Megadrive/Genesis Emulator
    * Genesis Plus v1.2.9 - Sega Megadrive/Genesis Emulator
    * Handy v0.9.6 - Atari Lynx Emulator
    * Horizon v1.3.8 - BBC Model B Emulator
    * Jum52 v0.8.9 - Atari 5200 Emulator
    * KiGB v2.0.4 - Nintendo Gameboy Emulator
    * MO5 v2.6.2 - Thomson MO5 Emulator
    * Mugrat v0.4.2 - Colecovision Emulator
    * Neopocott v0.5.0 - Neo Geo Pocket Colour Emulator
    * Nestopia v1.3.7 - Nintendo NES Emulator
    * O2Em v1.1.0 - Odyssey^2 Emulator
    * Oric v1.7.7 - Oric 1/Atmos Emulator
    * Oswan v0.7.8 - Wonderswan Emulator
    * Rainbow v1.5.6 - Atari 800 Series Emulator
    * SimCoupe v0.8.2 - Spectrum SAM CoupĂ© Emulator
    * SMS Plus v1.3.1 - Sega Master System/Game Gear Emulator
    * TEO v1.8.1 - Thomson TO8 Emulator
    * TGEmu v0.3.3 - NEC PC Engine Emulator
    * Thom v1.6.0 - Thomson TO7 Emulator
    * Vecx v0.1.5 - GCE Vectrex Emulator
    * ViBE v1.0b9 - Nintendo Virtual Boy Emulator
that's the list of emu's
i believe there is also a commercial emulater for ps1 called connectix virtual game station but it isn't distributed any more as sony bought out connectix
Man, when I get my MacBook in a few months, I'll be all set :D
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