I have a number of ViperGC chips just lying around, they arent the newest chips but theyve always worked fine and you can flash them. PM me if you're interested, i'd rather sell them all at once. Its 4-6 pcs or something.
what exactly do they do>? I might be interested
I have a untouched gamecube NOT MODDED~
ok I just read about them
nvrmind I don't need to backup games but just wondering how much are you selling them for?
and how would i be able to play gamecube copies with this
Using these chips enables your gamecube to read burnt discs as if they were real so you can download or rip and burn ISOs for the games and put them in your gamecube. To use normal size discs you'll need to replace the top part of the gamecube case with a customized one (I have a few of those as well) or you can try to use smaller gamecube-sized discs but they are harder to find.
how much would be the bundle with instructions how to use cause me want now
You'll need to do some soldering, or have someone do it for you (it's not as hard as xbox, but you do need some experience). I'll find the instructions off the internet for you.
I just checked and I have 3 Viper chips, but I also have one XenoGC chip which is newer, a bit more difficult to solder but will read more discs correctly because its soldered onto the drive rather than the motherboard. It won't let you use homebrew or cheats like the Viper, only burned ISOs, but it does do a better job. You can even use both.
Ill give you any chip + case (i have one purple case and one trasparent one, keep in mind that its only the top part (from the line below the grey controller ports upward), so if you use a different color that your gamecube originally is you can still see the original color on the bottom) for $20, or all the chips and both cases for $55 (usd)
ill buy the xenochip and a purple case then
ill just have to find out how to use my paypal and poo poo now
i live in UK so wee may have a prob
hmm I may want this now that I hear you can PLAY backed up games but I suck at soldering . . . so no.
You can send me your motherboard and I'll do it, or you can get someone else to do it for you...
meh I don't have money. . .