I used this, but when I remplace the battery files by the white silk version (the .bmp hasn't bug) in the system_plugin_fg, it make the same bug as the first version of madsoul...
For people who like white, here are the icons in...well.......white lol
click me!!
i will do other colours, that's only if madsoul doesn't mind.
(personally this is a bit bright for me but i will play around with it ;))
EDIT: Gsmoke all icons are there apart from the datesetting
Just seen how much ive missed. I will upload whole theme 2moz
First off I would like to say thanks for this theme
its awesome realy do love it great work
I hope you don't mined that i have moved the memory stick
free space location to fit on the battery pic at the bottom
of xmb theres a pic and the topmenu_plugin included
Thanks again and hope you don't mind
Sexy theme. Loving it.
And thanks Mc Cabe for the white version. :)
And dad-aus007 for the mod.
it could use matching a music and video menu. :p
White Silk
Fully inverted theme, all credit goes to madsoul and delrium happy
modded only for 3.71 M33 2
Click me!! for White Silk
it is VERY sexy I must say. . . good job McCabe madsoul and delrium.
Mc Cabe Wrote:Hey madsoul love your theme using it now.
One problem when your psp's battery goes below 105 these wierd dots come up. You should check it out.
Sorry if its just my PSP.
In your white too :D