Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP TYPE D USB DEVICE?!?!?!?!?
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Ok this is just really really weird and confusing

i was plaing just 2 and i wanted to transfer some files onto my psp slim so i plugged it into usb before i quit the game.

This is where it gets weird i don't know if it was because i hit the home button or just because the game itself
vut my pc suddenly said new device found psp type D new device install drivers.

Even weirder was i didnt have any usb setting activated i only had my game cpu at 333 and sony iso loader.
I don't even have the usb charge function set in the recovery options so double you tee eff.

LOL this is really weid and PSP TYPE D wth?!?!? maybe a game bug like GTA and Lumines lol.

EDIT i went into career mode again after loading the game and when you are in the selectin screen where it show off your car it did the same thing again

dunno it this works with the fat psp though lol
should do - sounds like you have the usbhost plugin enabled. check your plugins in recovery.
I think I read on QJ type D is something between the PS2 and the PSP.
I think someone also got a type D thing recently...
Probably modified keys, modified USB.prx, new updated software, cwcheat

It could be alot of things.

Thread Moved.
lol i don't use usbhost and cwcheat is disabled
I think when I used remotejoy. . .I was type B
hmmmm he has the same problem. . .
i can't confirm it but it definetly sounds like its trying to connect to a specific device. i assumed the type d was for usbhostfs but it could have been type a or b or even c. i guess the psp has to identify each device so why not just give em a letter? the question is why is it looking for a device in the middle of a game.
One of the poker games I've played in the past had connectivity for 360 or something like that, and it puts the psp in type d mode if the wire is plugged in, so i always have to start the game without the usb
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