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Full Version: why do all my programs take ages to load
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17 here.

Hmm, actually it loads faster than I thought.  Damn x64 build of Firefox is buggy :S  I would really like to use that; x64 build of Thunderbird works well though.
i takes 6 secs approx to start for me the first time
my firefox takes 4 sec. to load! hahahaha, ,

PS: nice avatar Zinga
well it depends of a lot of thing including the Hard Drive, if you have your hard drive full of programs and games and whatever, then it will take more time to load each thing because it works like this:
100 mb for firefox. 10 mb here, he other 50 mb there, the other 40 near the 10.
It will take time to load each thing from a different place of your hard drive partitions.
If you do defragmentation, it will help you to make it bit faster, but, a hard drive format would be better.
Pirata Nervo Wrote:well it depends of a lot of thing including the Hard Drive, if you have your hard drive full of programs and games and whatever, then it will take more time to load each thing because it works like this:
100 mb for firefox. 10 mb here, he other 50 mb there, the other 40 near the 10.
It will take time to load each thing from a different place of your hard drive partitions.
If you do defragmentation, it will help you to make it bit faster, but, a hard drive format would be better.
Not quite.  When you install Firefox, the OS will try to organize things as sequentially as possible.  Defragmenting will remove any of this.  Formatting really doesn't pose any better than defragmenting.
Practically, the HDD seek time shouldn't be the primary issue unless you have tonnes of cached tabs in your session or something similar.
I've got 20 plugins lol :P
wait, ur running vista? then duh, that's why
lol im on Vista and its not long.
i guess this random value generated at install is in your favor then
Yep definitely a RAM problem
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