yeah It was . . .(i think)
yes it was... it is a conversion from 3.52 M33 (as best as possible for me)
a got a problem on my flash0, I need the vshmain.prx, paf.prx and the common_gui.prx so that I can decrypt them with prxdecrypter 1.7 to customize them, but I cannot find these files in my flash0 (they arent´t hidden or something like that)--»look at this shot:
so could anyone upload these 3 decrypted files for me? (I´m on 3.71 m33-2)
they are hidden because sony made them like "system files" for windows.
so go to 'tools', 'folder options', 'view' tab, then remove the check from this option :
Hide protected operating system files
yeahs Sony changed the flash files
Wow. :D
I've always loved this theme. (Because it was innovative)
Thanks for sharing the conversion. :)
hi all,
i found one little mistake in my converted theme:
what happens there?? it is only streching the white point at the end of the slider (tex_default_progress_slider; system_plugin.rco)
Someone has an idea?
It is only a small thing, but...
this theme works with 3.71 m33-3 ??? or its necessary do something? thanks in advance!
It will work fine with 3.71M33-3.