Endless Paradigm

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Hello everyone. Please forgive me if this is in the wrong section, I am not very intelligent around forums. I brought my son a PSP a few weeks ago and he has been enjoying it from day one, but he has discovered from his friends that he can have custom themes.

I have picked up a few things with the Sony PTF files but he has seen a theme that he wants but I am confused. He has two PTF themes but he wants this other theme that has to be flashed manually and not with the theme switcher. Can he have the best of both worlds without conflicting problems? I believe he has this custom firmware that my brother put on there for him, 3.71 version 2

Thank you for any help you can give me
you can use ptf files even if you have a flashed theme

just read the flashing instructions and backup you sons psp's flash just incase an problems occur
well he needs a plugin called cxmb version 2.5 so he won't need to flash his psp on 3.71 m33
n yes i don think there should be a conflict as theme n ptf r separate formats the theme he will want will be in rco format
Thank you so much for your help. I am sorry that I never replied sooner, the wife deleted all the old favourites and deleted this site by accident and I had so many problems finding it again Erk

Anyway, wee got the themes working and all is great. So I just wanted to thank you for your help :yipi:

My son wants to do a theme project for his art class and wee wanted the original icons from the new 3.71 firmware. Ho do wee extract the icons from the new firmware, like in PNG format. Thank you in advance for you help
I found this ancient folder on my HD

it contains both the icons and the focus (the blinking bit that are behind the icons)

in various different colors.

Bear in mind that these icons are from an early firmware (don't ask me which one because I

don't know )


Hope this helps out :)
tnx u so much
ok this needs not to be discussed anymore.

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