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i can't figure out what's going on. i want to get the theme that i made

[Image: screenshot001tf0.jpg]

[Image: screenshot002hf5.jpg]

[Image: screenshot003tj1.jpg]

( http://files-upload.com/files/542578/KHK...sFinal.rar it`s PTF format )

in rco format, but make it look like the applecor theme. but everytime i make a white bmp the rco editor says that there is 256 colours in the bmp and that the program accepts 256 colours only, i`ve idexed the colour and then back to rgb mode to make the 32 bit but it still doesn't work. but the real kicker is that i used the rco editor to make this theme and the icons are pure white only. can someone help me. here is the icons that i want to make into the applecor theme for 3.71.

can someone check to see if i am doing something wrong? i can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong since they are only one colour plus alpha channels i still don't know why it won't pass through even after the indexed colour and reverse. its clearly they are not more than 256 colours.

thank you for the help.
It's possible to have multiple levels of colour in the alpha layer.  Check your alpha layer to make sure it's not using multiple shades of alpha.

Though from your picture, it doesn't look like it.
yeah but it looks like the settings icons have a little glow. . . that could be it.
I`ve tried other methods as well. things like instead of the glow to highlight like the original + uses i`ve tried makeing one larger than the other to highlight where you are. iver even tried using a simple arrow to point out where you are. nothing works.
if your using photoshop try change the "mode" choose "indexed color" and save your file to 8bit bmp and the rco will accept it.
but 8 bit mode doesn't support alpha layers. ive tried it. i might have to try a different apporach to this.
it works for me!

first make an alpha when your in "rgb mode" then shift to "indexed mode" you will noticed that the alpha still there all my themes is in 8bit or indexed mode.
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