Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Madsouls Silk Dream 3.71 M33
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Pages: 1 2
UncertainGod Wrote:DON didn't want to share, well that's the definition of a prick -rep for him.

No man don't do it , they are free to do what they like , just watch me....
I don't know if you meant to but you left all the text in the topmenu for this. I removed it all myself though only took a minute. Thanks for the conversion :D
ephumuris Wrote:I don't know if you meant to but you left all the text in the topmenu for this. I removed it all myself though only took a minute. Thanks for the conversion :D

YEah i made it in the hurry , and it was only SP , cause im in this region , then i made the fix.
Using this now!!

double you tee eff is up with the network icon animation, it Awesome.

Scroll right---it fades, becomes smaller and disappears

Scroll left---it fades, appears from no way getting bigger.

hmmmm??..................its so cool

y isn't it following the animations of the other icons?
gsmoke Wrote:Edit : i forgot to add english suport for this theme .... Sorry

Place only the topmenu_plugin in your Resource folder.

i fixed it a second time.. now it supports also german language.

same time i fixed representation of MemStick information screen in all 3 languages!!

this theme is sooo nice!! :yes:

HF Maja
hey gsmoke my icons suddenly disappear when in setting you forgot the psp slim has an extra icon lol
Thanks for the theme, but how can i install?
It's safe to install or have a brick chance?
my psp is fat and CFW m33-3 (3.71).
Thanks _o/
Pages: 1 2
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