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Full Version: Slim and PSP unbricker V3
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Quote:Changes in version 3

- Coded a display driver that supports the psp slim screen in the mixed 1.50/3.40 kernel.
- The M33 instalation will install 3.71 M33-2, not 3.71 M33



- If you have already a pandora ms, don't do this part. Otherwise,
format an ms using c+d mspformat or any other tool that allows to move
partition to ~250kb from first sector

Remove ms, usb and connect again usb and ms.
Make PSP and PSP/GAME dirs.

- Copy despertar_cementerio to PSP/GAME/

- Download 1.50, 3.40 and 3.71 update eboots and copy them to ms root with
150.PBP, 340.PBP and 371.PBP names.

- Use the app under a cfw with 2.x or 3.x kernel (be sure that kernel is
selected on recovery to the correct one (2.x or 3.x))

- Once finished, u will have msipl.bin on root. If you already have a pandora
ms, you don't have to do this step (ipl doesn't changes lol), otherwise,
use c+d msinst to install ipl on ms; or use dd command from unix, or any
hex-edit program to write on sector 16 on the physical drive.

- Now you can delete 340 and 150 PBP's, as they won't be used more; but 371.PBP
will be used for unbricker, so don't delete it.

- Now you have an universal pandora ms ready to go, and you just need a proper
battery. If you have 1.50 kernel access, use c+d tool. Otherwise, use corly149 tool.

Battery and ms will work on all psp and slims to this date.


- Press X to install 3.71M33.

- Press O to install original 3.71 (rest of the process as the X option)

- Press [] to dump nand to nand-dump.bin. When done, psp will auto shutdown.

- Press L+R+HOME+start to restore nand from nand-dump.bin

This proccess is very dangerous, and you should *just* use it if it's your
last chance to get it working.

This is a physical restore process (not a logical one), and will try to make
a 100% exact clon of the dump.

If you are working with a dump that isn't yours, you will get either a brick
or a corrupt idstorage, depending on the firmware.

If while you are restoring your psp have got any damaged block more than
when you dumped it, you might also get a brick, depending on what block is it.

Works for both PSP and PSP Slim.

thanks for posting G
YoYoBallz Wrote:thanks for posting G

no prob man, this some kinda of a big step, now a mixed firmware from 1.50 and 3.X make posible to have th screen on with pandora, and Dax Said that even the implementation of the 1.50 subset to slim, may be possible... Now this is good or this is bad , im not sure ,cause going back again ,as wee now have the 3.7X kernel on the slim, i think the Devs might want to look forward to this.Maybe better homebrew or is it 1.50 better , well everyone choose.
wauw this is great now there is pandora with slim lcd suport!!

I am not sure but don't devs want to port to slim,.!?
freakin sweet!  now i won't need to look at my phone and read the note i made about unbricking on the slim LMOA..
hmm, having the slim be able to run 1.50 would appease everyone who wants there old homebrew to run on it, but I don't even have the 1.50 plugin on my original PSP and I do believe everyone who is coding apps now should focus on the current firmware.
Wooohooo...my anorexic psp is no longer blind :D
well 1.5 kernel support on slim is not far away woot
Slim unbricker V3
Dark_alex's Sim/phat unbricker V3

ps: it should have a proper title, even if everyone know who's the coder behind it
just a suggestion
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