3.5XM33 Transformers Theme
nice! I like the main icons LOL!
Well done Trimegisto , estava esperando esto , lol , i was waiting for this , i will make a 3.71 version of your theme , i realy want to use it.
* UncertainGod waits in line for 3.71M33 version.
2nd in line.
Makes me sad that this generation will think of the movie transformers as what they're about. No one seems to want to do anything with the classics.
Still, it's very good, if I didn't hate the movie so much I'd be using. it.
Here is some begining of the work for 3.71 , i did alost the job only few offstes need to be fixed , tomorow when i get back home will finish it...
Trimegisto he hecho un principio del tema , convertido para 3.71 , me falla el texto i el BG, mira he puesto un fichero de texto dentro con los valores del Paf. Intenta areglar lo , yo maƱana lo acabare.
YES finish the Conversion!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA