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iR Shell 3.7
This release mainly adds support for M33 3.71 CFW for PSP Phat with a few other enhancements.

[Image: irsmenuqt1.jpg]

New Features:

    * Added support for M33 3.71 CFW for PSP Phat.
    * Screen redirection via Tyranid's remotejoy. UMD Game compatibility has also been enhanced and save/load dialog boxes will no longer crash. Thanks to Tyranid for making this possible.
    * 2 Player PSOne games via usbhostfs/nethostfs keypad direction using 2 PC joysticks/keyboard. Screen redirection via remotejoy is also supported for PSone games.
    * Support for M33 popsloader when iR Shell running under M33 3.52 CFW. Only the latest verion popsloader is supported (that is, the one for pops from 3.00 to 3.52). All other previous versions of popsloader won't work with iR Shell. If you're running iR Shell under M33 3.71, the "POP Version" setting in iR Configurator is ignored. This is due to popsloader currently doesn't work with M33 3.71 due to changing NIDs by Sony.
    * Support for M33 UMD Video ISO feature under iR Shell File Browser. This will also work with USBHostFS & NETHostFS. Again, for legally owned backups only.
    * The number of iR Shell EBOOTs for various firmwares have been consolidated into just 2. One for firmware 1.5, and the other for firmware 2.x/3.x. This should make it earier for users.
    * A new autoboot seplugin is introduced to replace the old "irsfw30x.prx". This plugin will work under all firmware versions, including 3.71.

NOTE: The PSX 2 Player Adhoc is still in alpha & very unstable. It will not be included in this release.

Special Thanks to:

    * Dark_AleX/Team M33 for bringing us the incredible custom firmware. Our PSPs won't be the same without this masterpiece.
    * Tyranid and other developers in ps2dev.org for creating the pspsdk. Without their contributions, wee don't even have homebrews on PSP.
    * All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
    * StoneCut, F34R and other moderators who keep irshell.org running and providing technical support to the community.


    * M33 Custom firmware & popsloader developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
    * remotejoyGUI for Windows is developed by StoneCut.
    * remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
    * iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
    * iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
    * iR Shell public release archive are packaged & tested by StoneCut.
    * iR Shell programming by me. Smile (AhMan)

iR Shell 3.7 installation archive
iR Shell Skin Pack 1
Pronto Codes (2000+ infrared devices)
USBhostFS v1.7 incl. RemoteJoy
NetHostFS v1.7
RemoteJoy4iRS Easy GUI

im happy now
looks cool
well after the m2 update i might actually update to 3.71m33 m2 now
downloading now, cheers for the heads up, and collection of stuff
Nice, gonna try it now.
nicec! I LOVE this app! Inluv
hmm, I seem to be having a few problems getting ISO's to work through usbhost with this irShell.
ill try that tom. . . I want to play bushido BLADE 2 PLAYERS!!!! and Chocobo Racing!
help me! my ir shell not working properly specially the nethost, usbhost and adhoc, can u help me? its 1st time to used it.
you need to read a tut . . .I think they have one at -hacks. . . . and please change the color of your text it makes it frustrating to read.
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