Endless Paradigm

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well  i am updating foster's theme and found some new stuff in the rco files,.

What about the premo:
[Image: f_axism_bd207a9.png]
and also the normal PSP picture

There are number of new rco or split rco's,.
Also the photo browser has a infobar wich can be customized,.. so then there is system, music and photo infobars,.!?
EDIT the music bar is gone and the photo bar i have not seen yet in the xmb,.!?!?
Also the help icon's (in infobar>>start in xmb>> when on top of a umd stick) i can not find in any of the rco files,.!?

-there is now 2 music rco's :music_browser_plugin.rco, music_player_plugin.rco
-photo_browser_plugin has a photo_tex_bar_side_1 for a custom infobar!!!
-sysconfig is where you can change your original theme preview

Here is some news: the normal infobar, the music infobar but now the photoinfobar and i flashed all rco's and the theme infobars are still normal so this means that these are also different infobars,.. YESS i checked there are 2 sidebars in the sysconfig rco!! so 3 new infobars,.!! 1 in photo and 2 in the sysconfig for thme infobars,..

The Photo infobars i still have not seen in the xmb it still shows the normal infobar,.!?

Picture of 2 sidebars with custom bmp's in sysconfig rco
[Image: f_screenshot0m_aaaf6f6.png]

I am trying to find these icon's!?!? i can't find them in any rco maybe they are used form the video rco!? :D
[Image: f_screenshot0m_3ca6ced.png]

I found the missing icon's they were in the content browser,.. !? not anymore in the musicmain,.!?! icon's all over the place ;)
[Image: f_screenshot0m_e1a0d53.png]

Infobars without comengui.prx

Theme infobars:Stretch the w with 2 in the page data for sidebar 1
[Image: f_screenshot0m_881a15d.png]
But when applying:
[Image: f_screenshot0m_381ae3f.png]

This looks not good and not gonna explain how,. lol
[Image: f_screenshot0m_6c92fde.png]

[Image: f_screenshot0m_8e019eb.png]
WOW , wonder what its for, . . .
ooooooh a pic of a SIXAXIS
means something to do with ps3
WOW V , very well , now fosters is almost done , i hope you release soon.
Fucking sweet
;P maybe psp will be controlled by a sixaxis??
wow sony has actually done some work
Which things are in screenshot_plugin.rco????
double_x Wrote:Which things are in screenshot_plugin.rco????

A infobar icon and a default icon,.. Erk
Well almost done making all rco's custom,.. "replace all" icon's with rcoedit don't work all the time,.. some get cut off,.!?

I am looking forward to the screenshot rco, but offcourse how are wee supposed to make screenshots of our custum ptf's for a preview picture,. ;P

Also the content browser rco looks very promising!!

The music main infobar is gone,.!? instead there is a custom infobar posible for the theme menu,..
Also in photo browser rco you can add a sidebar!? but i was unable to find it in the xmb!?
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