Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New rco finds 3.71m33
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To bad i thought content browser meny something like a memstick browser turned out this is a split rco of the musicmain rco,.. i found my missing icon's,. :yipi:

I am trying to find these icon's!?!? i can't find them in any rco maybe they are used form the video rco!? :D
[Image: f_screenshot0m_3ca6ced.png]

I found the missing icon's they were in the content browser,.. !? not anymore in the musicmain,.!?! icon's all over the place ;)
[Image: f_screenshot0m_e1a0d53.png]

By the way!! to bad the select button is now asigned to the vshmenu,.!! i acn not go into the xmb to browse photo's with music playing,.. the new feature of 3.71,..
Now i have to go into recovery to disable the vshmenu then i can run photo slideshow with music playing,.

Inluv 3.71m33update2 anyway!!
well done V1!
Vegetano1 Wrote:By the way!! to bad the select button is now asigned to the vshmenu,.!! i acn not go into the xmb to browse photo's with music playing,.. the new feature of 3.71,..

Inluv 3.71m33update2 anyway!!

use the home button to go back to menu while music is still playing, select works, but so does home
Man,I see a lot of things in RCO's and PRX's from 3.71-2 2 days ago, but don't have time to make nothing, 'cause my battery explode in my hand last night... :suprised:

Maybe if I can play without change the battery at same time this don't happen... Nana-o

Well, when I get a new battery, maybe I'll try to discover something guys here don't discovered yet. :roflol:
3.71m332 PWNZ. . ..!
roberth Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:By the way!! to bad the select button is now asigned to the vshmenu,.!! i acn not go into the xmb to browse photo's with music playing,.. the new feature of 3.71,..

Inluv 3.71m33update2 anyway!!

use the home button to go back to menu while music is still playing, select works, but so does home

Yah i am so busy updating my theme,.. i feel very stupid,.. haha but i did found out ,..

lol and also:
I used rcoedithack from Zinga and placed the new exe in the old folder then i went on using the old shortcut,.. took me 2 days to find out,.. Aaaarrrggg
well these are my infobars,.. lol but without commengui and does not look good,.

%%^^^^ look top topic,.
still. . . . looks nice im sure. . . its made by you!
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