thanks to vegetano1 for helping me with the focus icons i really hate doing them lol
like the icons but that BG is scary
AWESOME theme,.. screenshots are to dark looks better on the psp!!
Lol , what roberth said , i have to test it on the PSP , thanks squee.
actually, to be fair, the BG doent look to bad on PSP, looks worse in screenshot
im loving the theme, no complaints
-- umm location free player is not edited....still the original one
location free cannot be edited via PTF...its a Sony thing, not us
roberth Wrote:actually, to be fair, the BG doent look to bad on PSP, looks worse in screenshot
yes that should always be assumed with screenshots.. always darker but it depends on the moniter... i acttually have a sony trinitron moniter and the psp screen still looks better
roberth Wrote:location free cannot be edited via PTF...its a Sony thing, not us
Actually, it may be possible - there's a gap in the entry IDs - there's two missing entry IDs between the Online Manual and the other icon (can't remember what it is lol).
One would think that it's reserved for the LFTV. Never tried though (may soon).
EDIT: Maybe no then... Interesting, the PSP doesn't even seem to read entry IDs - completely corrupting a few, theme still works normally :S