Endless Paradigm

Full Version: clear xmb 3.71
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^^ used .:ʕΘЯg@nʔ:.™ rco to convert these :D

[Image: screenshot006.jpg]
dl here http://rapidshare.com/files/59699767/ClearXMB3.71.rar
dl pack contains my custom coldboot with my name on it, just remove it if u don't like it :D
is this PTF?
good stuff man [Image: 028.gif]
diego Wrote:is this PTF?
no it's rco but you can use it with CXMB :yipi:
I've got the PAF and VSHMAIN for this theme :)
looks cool man
Will it work on a slim? B/c you did a great job!  

@ ephumuris: will the paf and vshmain work with Cxmb for slim yet?
Yes it will work on slim, all you do is add it to the THEME folder
Flashed it on my phat psp, works like charm. (Flashed it using the 3.52m33 recovery eboot to access my flash0). Now if only someone will ocnvert the applecor music player to 371(I love how everything is positioned and it looks perfect with this theme)
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