Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #8--Abstract
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alright, here's the results from SOTW #7:

1st place: SnailsPace with 9 votes
2nd place: deep with 4 votes
3rd place: squee666 with 2 votes

so congrats to SnailsPace for winning!

now then, on to this weeks' contest

this weeks' theme is Abstract sigs...basically, things like C4D's and the like are good for making abstract sigs....also, the fookin' awesome sigs shadow makes would also be considered abstract, so you better pray that shadow doesn't enter Hahaha

*and one important rule for this week's contest...abstract means NO RENDERS!!  If you use a render this week, you're disqualified

**also, apparently a lot of people have forgotten how I want the code to be posted, so allow me to post a little reminder:


if you do not follow this, I may start disqualifying people....

anyways, good luck to all!

uhh I thought name included in the code. . .

anyway IM GONNA ENTER THIS WEEK!!!!!. . but shadow will PWN if he joins. . .
diego Wrote:uhh I thought name included in the code. . .

it was, but starting this week, I'm taking that out....it was pretty much unnecessary

fun fun
well by the way what r renderers
can't wait to see some new sweet sigs Yo
renders r lil pictures with the background cut out...no?
u_c_taker Wrote:well by the way what r renderers

The Goku's that you cut out for your current sig are renders, a render is basically a premade cutout...

Tigerfan if renders aren't allowed what are the rules about stocks then?
oh ok i get i thought it was something like that but i was not sure
um... no... stocks? :O
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