Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Damn, I need to get a slim.
What the...? I thought there were only 12 BG's because there is one for each month (when the PSP theme is set to 'Original' or whatever). What the hell is the extra ones for? So it can change then TWICE a month instead? With that said...

UncertainGod Wrote:No, the slim has more because it's a pretentious little fashion whore that can't make it's mind up :P

..i completely agree. More RAM or not, i think it's a silly 'feature'.

Actually, wasn't there a PRX addon that would change the 1-12.bmp with another one whenever the PSP booted up? TRUE rotating backgrounds on 2.71 SE i remember i had something like that, but apparently it had a glitch so i freaked out not wanting my flash0 to fail or something (those wer the days, when i was scared to edit files on flash0... haha).

Anyone know if there is one compatible with 3.5x M33?
Pages: 1 2
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