30/09/2007, 10:04 AM
After messing with the opening_plugin.prx I managed to get my bootsound working again.
1. Open your 3.52 opening_plugin.prx with your hex editor.
2. Mark offsets 42AC to 66436 (hex) and copy it.
3. Decrypt an opening_plugin.prx from 3.71 with prxdecrypter 1.7.
4. Open the 3.71 opening_plugin.prx with your hex editor.
5. Mark offsets 3D94 to FE74 and paste what you copied from the 3.52 opening_plugin.prx.
6. Using the extended pandora boot menu rename the original opening_plugin.prx to opening_plugin.pr (for safety reasons)
7. Copy over your edited opening_plugin.prx and reboot.
8. Enjoy your bootsound.
I don't know if anyone has found this yet, sorry if I double posted.
1. Open your 3.52 opening_plugin.prx with your hex editor.
2. Mark offsets 42AC to 66436 (hex) and copy it.
3. Decrypt an opening_plugin.prx from 3.71 with prxdecrypter 1.7.
4. Open the 3.71 opening_plugin.prx with your hex editor.
5. Mark offsets 3D94 to FE74 and paste what you copied from the 3.52 opening_plugin.prx.
6. Using the extended pandora boot menu rename the original opening_plugin.prx to opening_plugin.pr (for safety reasons)
7. Copy over your edited opening_plugin.prx and reboot.
8. Enjoy your bootsound.
I don't know if anyone has found this yet, sorry if I double posted.